Foxconn bị hacker tấn công, lộ nhiều thông tin quan trọng

07/09/2013 10:37:11
Foxconn bị hacker tấn công, lộ nhiều thông tin quan trọng Thông tin nội bộ của Foxconn bị phơi bày trên mạng
Mới đây, một nhóm hacker có tên SwaggSec đã tung ra rất nhiều thông tin nội bộ của hãng Foxconn, bao gồm cả username và password email trên máy chủ, thông tin đăng nhập trên một số trang cung ứng hàng hóa và mạng Intranet, thậm chí cả password đăng nhập của chủ tịch hãng này là Terry Gou cũng bị tung lên. Được biết, nhóm hacker đã lợi dụng một lỗi bảo mật chưa được vá của trình duyệt web Internet Explorer để tiến hành tấn công vào Foxconn khi một công nhân của hàng này sử dụng trình duyệt bên trong công ty. Vụ tấn công có thể là sự trả đũa cho tình trạng làm việc tồi tệ mà công nhân nơi đây đang gánh phải trong thời gian qua.
Foxconn bị hacker tấn công, lộ nhiều thông tin quan trọng Cả password của CEO cũng bị lộ
Trang 9to5mac đã thử dùng các dữ liệu của nhóm hacker này và đã đăng nhập thành công. Hiện máy chủ của Foxconn đã được đóng lại để ngăn chặn các sự truy cập trái phép khác. Hiện chưa rõ còn có thông tin nhạy cảm nào khác bị rỏ rỉ hay không. Dưới đây là toàn bộ thông điệp mà SwaggSec để lại:
/* Don’t Wanna Read? No problem skip to end. */ ______ ______/ _____) / _____)( (____ _ _ _ _____ ____ ____( (____ _____ ________ | | | (____ |/ _ |/ _ |____ | ___ |/ ___)_____) ) | | / ___ ( (_| ( (_| |_____) ) ____( (___(______/ ___/_____|___ |___ (______/|_____)____)(_____(_____| ## Hacking Today for an Entertaining Tomorrow. Users of Cyberspace, So Foxconn thinks they got ‘em some swagger because they work with the Big Boys from Intel, Microsoft, IBM, and Apple? Fool, You don’t know what swagger is. They say you got your employees all worked up, committing suicide ‘n stuff. They say you hire chinese workers ’cause you think the taiwanese are elite. We got somethin’ served up good…real good. Your not gonna’ know what hit you by the time you finish this release. Your company gonna’ crumble, and you deserve it.Upon switching the radio from Nicki Minaj’s self-enforcing, lack of content, stereotypical song, “Stupid Hoe”; We switched on BBC Radio, the leading source of unbiased material. A short segment on the manufacturer giant Foxconn, came up reporting on the inhuman conditions the workers experience. A few days later an almost viral rumor about an Iphone 5 with a 4-inch screen being manufactured, as claimed by an employee from the infamous Foxconn. Now as a first impression Swagg Security would rather not deceive the public of our intentions. Although we are considerably disappointed of the conditions of Foxconn, we are not hacking a corporation for such a reason and although we are slightly interested in the existence of an Iphone 5, we are not hacking for this reason. We hack for the cyberspace who share a few common viewpoints and philosophies. We enjoy exposing governments and corporations, but the more prominent reason, is the hilarity that ensues when compromising and destroying an infrastructure. How unethical right? Perhaps for the layman who has conformed to a society raised by the government that actively seeks to maintain power and quell threats to their ventures. But to us and many others, the destruction of an infrastructure, the act of destruction that does not affect an individual, brings a sense of newfound content, a unique feeling, along with a new chance to start your own venture.This is Swagg Security, we aim to to reshape your perspectives, our perspectives, by the inducing of entertainment. A unique approach to spreading a unique philosophy which brings the sought after tranquility. In a way we are “hacktivist”, but in our own views we are Greyhats. We believe there is no reality in hacktivism, even with good intentions. We know those who claim to be “hacktivists” that inside of you, a suppressed part of you, enjoys playing a part in the anarchist event of hacking of an infrastructure. One which at the same time presents a challenge, upon completing reveals an almost unknown feeling of a menacing satisfaction. We encourage not to continue quelling such a natural emotion but to embrace it. Only when embracing what society has taught you to hinder, is when you realize your own identity.We encourage media, security experts, and other interested individuals to explore our leaks. Foxconn did have an appropriate firewall, but fortunately to our intent, we were able to bypass it almost flawlessly. Of course with funding ourselves we did have our limitations. But with several hacking techniques employed, and a couple of days in time, we were able to dump most of everything of significance. We now appropriately give consent to other individuals reading this release, to scavenge through the leaks acquiring usernames and passwords; while attempting to find if they use the passwords anywhere else. Remember damage is bliss. Without further undue, the leaks. The Hackers with Swagger,Swagg SecurityNote: The passwords inside these files could allow individuals to make fraudulent orders under big companies like Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Intel, and Dell. Be careful ; )